"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Psalm 54 - Picturing God

This has been an interesting week for me and this Psalm. i have not don't an entry with it because i just wasn't solid on where it was supposed to go...so each day I read the psalm and pray about it and each day I got little pieces...a picture here, but nothing complete. Then today, as I read the psalm, all the pictures came together and I realized the blog was to be about picturing God.

Do you picture God? How do you picture God?

If you are like me, when you hear a phrase, you get an image of God that goes with that phrase...for example:
1 Come with great power, O God, and rescue me!
      Defend me with your might.
I get a picture of a warrior dressed in armor sort of like the classic pictures of the archangel Michael) ...
4 But God is my helper.
      The Lord keeps me alive!
I picture a healer, holding a vial of cure-all ointments (sort of like Lucy in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe)
7 For you have rescued me from my troubles
      and helped me to triumph over my enemies.
And I see a sage (a little Dumbledorish) who is understanding and knows things beyond what is visible.

The truth is that God is all of these things and the fact that the pictures in my head transcend gender and age is completely appropriate. God is without gender and age and different times, different passages, different circumstances, all lead us to different visions of God.

As I write this, I can't help but remember the book The Shack (if you haven't read it, I recommend it!) where the author shares three characters that are God and each share different characteristics and aspects of God.

Take a little bit of time today and think of how you picture God. If you need to, read a few passages and let them inspire your vision.

I would love to hear about your pictures of God, so feel free to share them as a comment.

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