"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Psalm 56 - To Be Fully and Amazingly Loved

As I read this Psalm, I had to stop and think about verse 8.
You number my wanderings;
Put my tears into Your bottle;
Are they not in Your book?
What does it mean for somebody to be able to number my wanderings, put my tears in a bottle and record these things?  In order to number and record my wanderings, you either have to be present to see where I go. Even someone with access to my calendar couldn't know exactly where I actually go and what events I do or which I end up not doing for some reason. The calendar is a record of my intentions, not my realities. In am sure my mother could give a reasonable accounting of my wanderings, as could my boyfriend, but neither would be able give an fully accurate count. And to put each of my tears in a bottle, it requires being there, for each tear, in order to really understand the sorrow and collect it. Again, there are people in my life that could come close to knowing each and every sorrow, but some would be missed. Only someone who is 100% present, 100% of the time, could accomplish this. I might wish that others knew me this completely and intimately, but only God does. 

When I take a minute to fully digest this, I sometimes have trouble grasping it. I can even start to wonder if this is truly possible, but then I consider the work of God in my life. The ways my life has been impacted by God's work, the times, I have heard God's voice or felt God's leading, the times the right person with the right word has come at the right time. I have had too many of these experiences to question God's existence, but I admit that sometimes, I can't fully get my mind around all of who God is. 

Not only that, but I think about who would really want to number my wanderings and collect my tears? Only someone who see my as very valuable and someone who loves me completely would even attempt these things. I believe there are people in my life who would do this if they could, but only God does.

Do you have a verse that helps you ponder all that God is? If you are like me, there are probably many. These are verses that help us contemplate who God is, but also remind us of the ways God has shared our path. The verses that we can seek when we question God's nature. 

Tonight, I go to sleep reminded that I am loved and important, not just to people I share my life with, but by the one who created me and lives within me.

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