Do you journal or keep a diary? Have you ever spent some time reading through what is written there? Or maybe you have spent time reflecting on your past. If you have, you know what it is like to remember the journey. Reading or thinking about a name, a place, and idea, or event, can bring back a flood of memories. Memories of feeling, lessons learned, commitments to to things like that again or commitments to do it differently next time. These journeys into the past can be quite valuable as we remember lessons and renew our commitments.
This chapter is like a journal for the people of Israel, listing the places on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, with a few key events. If you read it, as I did, probably some of the places will stand out to you and I was reminded as to what happened there. The interesting this about remembrance is that it isn't a personal remembrance and spans multiple generations. I would liken it to reading back into your family history or a time in history that you have been told stories of all your life. For the Israelites, those who did not live through portions of the journey, heard about it, and this quick overview of the journey would have been enough to revive memories and stories that had been told.
Have you taken the time to remember you own history or family history? You certainly can't live in the past, but you can learn from it and be inspired for the present and the future. Take a journey to the past and see what God has to say to you in it. You won't be disappointed.
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