"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Revelation 19 - Growing with Discipline

"Praise the Lord! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. His judgements are true and just." Revelation 19:1b,2a.

There are many reasons to praise God but I admit that this is one I sometimes struggle with when I am the one being disciplined. It can be hard to receive God's discipline. For us to truly receive it and praise God, we must first humble ourselves, admit our wrongdoing, and then speak the truth that we need the discipline.

Admitting that you have messed up is difficult enough, especially if you must admit it to other people. But, even when we mess up, we all would like to miss out on the consequences....be forgiven with no discipline. One one hand that sounds great, doesn't it? But would we truly learn and change?

God's discipline is not about revenge, but about growth. God knows that we would prefer to avoid unpleasant consequences, but God knows it would also be difficult for us to grow and change if we didn't have a true understanding of the consequences of our actions.

It is right to give God praise in all circumstances! Maybe you can help yourself to reach a place of praise the next time you are being disciplined by the Lord by looking to see how God is growing you!

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