Well, I have to admit that I am struggling with this chapter, Generosity is a good thing but Paul's method rings of manipulation to me and that hits a difficult chord for me. I don't know about you, but when someone tries to manipulate me into doing something, I tend towards stubbornness and a desire not to do it. Not one of my prettier traits for sure,
So, I have to ask myself, why did Paul choose this method? It is not the only time he did something like this. We also see this in the letter to Philemon. And Paul is very clever about it, using flattery and saying things so the other person feels the importance of doing what Paul wants them too. He points out what the other churches are doing...reminds them how generous they have been in the past...points out their leadership in this project...and that others have given beyond what they can afford. I have to guess this method worked and Paul felt it was more appropriate that telling them what they needed to do. Also, (I haven't looked into it) I would guess there are some cultural resons for this choice of methods.
Aside from my aversion to being manipulated...looking at this situation, Paul is setting up the church to share in a way that takes care of people's needs. He reminds them of the need of the Jerusalem church and points out that when those people are in a better place and the church at Corinth is in need, the help will flow the other way. The idea was that the church would take care of itself and be one of God's instruments for caring for God's people. I think it would be interesting to try and coordinate that today. I don't want to imply that it isn't happening, because there are many church bodies that are caring for and sharing financially with church bodies in need, but to coordinate the church as a whole, across denominations) to this task.
In some ways, this reminds me of welfare...a redistribution of wealth. The question is how effective can it be. We certainly don't read in the Bible about instances of this being abused, so maybe it wasn't. I hope so, because I would like to believe that the church could accomplish what the government can't quite, Of course it can, when it is directed by God! One more reason to fully submit to God because under God's direction, we can accomplish things which are beyond out human tendencies. So that is the message I am going to choose to cling to from this chapter...submit to God and allow God to direct your paths so that you can accomplish God's work and let it have God's effectiveness.
Sorry for the somewhat ranting nature of this post.
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